Manage habitat

Resource I am a I want to
Volunteer Outdoors
Volunteering in nature is a great way to learn about natural resources and the environment while giving back to the places you care about. Nature…
Interested Individual, Landowner Learn more, Manage habitat, Volunteer
Building Trails? Consider Wildlife
Thoughtful trail location allows us to get outside to enjoy nature and also minimize disturbance to wildlife.
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Landowner Manage habitat, Plan for wildlife
Promote the Use of Vegetated Buffers along Water Bodies and Wetlands
Vegetated buffers aren’t just good for wildlife; they’re good for communities, too! From providing critical habitat and protecting water quality to…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization Manage habitat
Seek help from a Licensed Forester
A professional licensed forester will help you to develop and execute a vision and plan for your property. Working with a licensed forester will help…
Community Board or Committee, Landowner Manage habitat, Plan for wildlife, Protect land, Support wildlife
Identify and Protect Wildlife Corridors
Wildlife travel corridors are critical for the conservation of wildlife in New Hampshire. The loss of wildlife corridors may result in direct…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Natural Resources Professional Educate others, Learn more, Manage habitat, Plan for wildlife, Protect land
Control Invasive Plants
People who are aware of the problems associated with invasive plants can end up getting discouraged, once they realize that yes, they are all over…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Landowner Learn more, Manage habitat