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Get Inspired Read about how other individuals, communities, and conservation groups have used conservation planning, natural resource inventories, habitat…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Landowner | Educate others, Learn more, Support wildlife |
Become a NH Coverts Project Volunteer NH Coverts volunteers are landowners, local decision-makers, teachers, business people, writers, retirees — anyone who wants to help wildlife in New…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Landowner | Educate others, Learn more, Manage habitat, Support wildlife, Volunteer |
Map Invasive Plants You can use a program called EDDMapS (Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System) on your computer, smartphone or tablet to map invasive plants…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Landowner, Natural Resources Professional | Educate others, Manage habitat, Volunteer |
Host an Invasive Plant Workday Organizing a community invasive plant workday is something anyone can do. In fact, invasive plant control is the kind of large scale problem that is…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization | Educate others, Manage habitat, Volunteer |
Spread the Word on Invasives Many people are not aware of invasive species or the potential problems they create. Helping to educate others about invasives increases the number…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Landowner, Natural Resources Professional | Educate others |
Demonstrate Sound Stewardship on Town Land Sustainably managing town-owned land for wildlife habitat provides an opportunity to be good example of sound stewardship practices for the community…
Community Board or Committee | Educate others |
Host a Walk on Conservation Land One of the best ways to promote protection of natural areas in your community is to get everyone outside enjoying conserved land.
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Natural Resources Professional | Educate others, Volunteer |
Connect with Local Schools Engaging youth in conservation commission activities can create meaningful and lasting connections. Get started by reaching out to your local school…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization | Educate others |
Use the Lake Host Program to Control Aquatic Invasive Plants Preventing the introduction of aquatic invasive species is the best way to protect NH’s lakes and rivers from out-of-control growth and damage to…
Community Board or Committee | Educate others |
Educate others about wildlife-friendly stream crossings Many culverts in New Hampshire are undersized and inadequate for fish and other wildlife to pass through. As a community, conservation group, or…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Natural Resources Professional | Educate others |