Our Partners

University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension

UNH Cooperative Extension's Natural Resources program provides research-based education to individuals, landowners, communities, and conservation groups throughout New Hampshire to help them make informed decisions about natural resources and conservation.

Cooperative Extension


UNH Extension logo

New Hampshire Fish & Game Department

NH Fish and Game's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program, established in 1988, is the steward for the state's nongame wildlife -- species not hunted, fished or trapped. Through wildlife monitoring and management, plus outreach and education, the Nongame Program works to protect over 400 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, as well as thousands of insects and other invertebrates. The program works in cooperation with other New Hampshire agencies and organizations to develop and implement effective conservation strategies to protect and enhance this diverse group of wildlife.

NH Fish & Game


NH Fish and Game logo

NH Association of Conservation Commissions

The NH Association of Conservation Commissions is a nonprofit organization dedicated to conservation and appropriate use of New Hampshire's natural resources by providing assistance to conservation commissions, facilitating communication and cooperation among commissions, and helping to create a climate in which commissions can be successful.



New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions