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Host a Speaking for Wildlife presentation The Speaking for Wildlife program offers free public talks and walking tours, focused on wildlife and habitats, to libraries, town boards, classrooms…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization | Educate others, Learn more |
Learn about the Impacts of Climate Change and Educate Others Climate change is throwing a number of curveballs at NH's wildlife and habitats, from rising temperatures to more extreme precipitation.…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization | Educate others, Learn more |
Identify and Protect Wildlife Corridors Wildlife travel corridors are critical for the conservation of wildlife in New Hampshire. The loss of wildlife corridors may result in direct…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Natural Resources Professional | Educate others, Learn more, Manage habitat, Plan for wildlife, Protect land |
Educate Local Landowners About Land Conservation If you would like to encourage neighbors and friends to think about conserving their land, you can help coordinate a program with your local land…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization | Educate others, Plan for wildlife, Protect land |