Conservation Organization

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Become a NH Coverts Project Volunteer
NH Coverts volunteers are landowners, local decision-makers, teachers, business people, writers, retirees — anyone who wants to help wildlife in New…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Landowner Educate others, Learn more, Manage habitat, Support wildlife, Volunteer
Use Agricultural Practices that Promote Good Wildlife Habitat
Farmland provides biological diversity in the landscape, benefiting a number of wildlife species. Farmers can adapt agricultural practices to…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Landowner Manage habitat, Support wildlife
Develop a Plan to Manage Invasive Plants
Invasive plants can cause significant ecological and economic harm and are changing the face of our landscape. They may impact wildlife by choking…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization Manage habitat, Plan for wildlife
Get Money for Management
Managing habitat for wildlife can require some out-of-pocket expenses for landowners. The good news is that programs exist to off-set costs.
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Landowner Manage habitat
Map Invasive Plants
You can use a program called EDDMapS (Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System) on your computer, smartphone or tablet to map invasive plants…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Landowner, Natural Resources Professional Educate others, Manage habitat, Volunteer
Host an Invasive Plant Workday
Organizing a community invasive plant workday is something anyone can do. In fact, invasive plant control is the kind of large scale problem that is…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization Educate others, Manage habitat, Volunteer
Promote Native Plants
Many familiar plants in our gardens, fields, and along roadsides are not native to New Hampshire. While the majority cause no harm to natural habitat…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Landowner Manage habitat
Learn to Identify Invasive Plants
Invasive plants pose a serious threat to our native habitats and wildlife. One of the best things you can do to help stop the spread of invasive…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Landowner, Natural Resources Professional Learn more, Manage habitat
Spread the Word on Invasives
Many people are not aware of invasive species or the potential problems they create. Helping to educate others about invasives increases the number…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Landowner, Natural Resources Professional Educate others
Restore and Maintain Older Forests
While there has been a regional focus on the lack of and need to create young, early-successional habitat in recent years, there is also recognition…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Landowner Manage habitat