Many people are not aware of invasive species or the potential problems they create. Helping to educate others about invasives increases the number of people aware of and working to control them. There are many ways to reach your neighbors, community members, or landowners that you work with. For example,
- Talk to your neighbors or clients, and share information, handouts, and other resources
- Lead a nature walk on your property or land you help manage to discuss invasive plants
- Write articles for a local news outlet, town newsletter, or land trust mailing
- Give a presentation on invasives at your local library or for a community group (garden club, conservation commission)
- Host a https://extension.unh.edu/programs/speaking-wildlifeSpeaking for Wildlife presentation on NHBugs: The Big Three or A Garden for Wildlife: Natural Landscaping for a Better Backyard
More Information
Nature Groupie's Stewardship Training Guide on Invasive Plant Identification, Mapping, and Control has information on recognizing, mapping, and controlling invasive plants. It includes a presentation designed for the general public that you can adapt and use in your community. There is also a useful handout with a list of resources, links, and contact information related to invasives in New Hampshire.
NHinvasives.org has a compilation of online and print resources focused on invasive plants and insect identification, control, and management in New Hampshire. Share these resources with friends, neighbors, community members, and others.