Wildlife Action Plan Revision: Fall 2024 Update

Mickayla Johnston, Wildlife Action Plan Biologist, NH Fish & Game Department

The 2025 Wildlife Action Plan revision process is in full swing at New Hampshire Fish and Game (NHFG). The Nongame and Endangered Species Program has been collaborating with other NHFG departments, state agencies, and organizations such as New Hampshire Audubon to complete the 2-year long Wildlife Action Plan revision process. You may recall that biologists and experts from across the Northeast first identified Species of Greatest Conservation Need, which are the foundation of the Wildlife Action Plan. Species of Greatest Conservation Need are those New Hampshire species that are most at-risk—they are experiencing declining numbers, loss of habitat, and / or a variety of other threats such as disease, development, and pollution.

Following the identification of Species of Greatest Conservation Need, NHFG and its partners began the threats assessment process—a scientific methodology in which the greatest threats facing Species of Greatest Conservation Need and their habitats are identified and ranked. A key component to finalizing the threats assessment process and beginning to develop associated conservation actions is to engage key stakeholders and gather input from all Granite Staters.

NH Wildlife Action Plan Survey graphic

All Granite Staters are encouraged to participate and share their thoughts on wildlife, the environment, and conservation actions in New Hampshire in an online public survey. The goal of the Wildlife Action Plan revision process is to make a conservation blueprint that is accessible to all, and New Hampshire Fish and Game needs your input to make this possible. To take the survey, visit: https://tinyurl.com/NHWildlifeActionPlanSurvey.