New Hampshire has always recognized the role of natural resource protection in supporting our economy, through forestry, agriculture and tourism. Natural resources also provide public benefit through drinking water, productive soils, flood storage and high quality wildlife habitat. Towns should identify and protect these natural resources through the master plan process and ultimately through zoning and development regulations. The N.H. Wildlife Action Plan is a critical source of information that should be available to municipal boards when land use decisions are made. The process for reviewing land use planning documents with respect to wildlife habitat and natural resources is one of the best uses of the WAP.
Zoning and regulatory techniques that can help protect natural resources could include include; wildlife-friendly zoning, Steep slope and ridgeline protection ordinances, conservation design subdivision and more.
Watershed Management plans, Groundwater Protection, Stormwater management and strong Shoreland Protection ordinances can help protect water resources.
More Information
NH DES Innovative Land Use Planning Techniques: A Handbook for Sustainable Development - Section 2: Environmental Characteristics Zoning