Managing habitat for wildlife can require some out-of-pocket expenses for landowners. The good news is that programs exist to off-set costs. UNH Cooperative Extension maintains a simple overview of the programs available to landowners in NH. A good first stop to learn about financial assistance is to contact your local UNH Cooperative Extension county forester to learn what programs might fit your land and your interests. Contact the Forestry Information Center to locate your county forester.
For more specific information about two commonly-used programs, see the links below.
- Natural Resources Conservation Service—Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
EQIP provides technical and financial assistance to improve and conserve water quality, soil erosion, riparian and aquatic areas, air quality and wildlife habitat. These programs apply to private lands, including cropland, rangeland, pasture land, private nonindustrial forestland, and other farm lands. In order to qualify for EQIP, a landowner must have a Conservation Activity Plan available through EQIP. Contracts generally range from 1 to10 years. For more information contact your local NRCS conservationist or UNH Cooperative Extension county forester. - N.H. Dept. of Fish and Game Small Grants Program
This state program restores, maintains, and enhances wildlife habitat. It applies to properties larger than 25 acres, owned by an individual, organization or local government. Funding is limited to $4,000 per property per year and no more than $10,000 will be granted to a single landowner over a 10-year period. Because it is funded by a fee required of all who purchase a New Hampshire hunting license, the land needs to remain open for non-motorized public use, including hunting. For more information, contact your regional N.H. Fish and Game office.
More Information
- Check out a simple overview of the programs available to landowners in NH
- Contact your County Forester to discuss potential funding sources for management