Get to know the NH Wildlife Action Plan

Wildlife Action Plan cover

Here are some ways you can start to get to know New Hampshire's Wildlife Action Plan - the species in need of attention, important habitats, and actions you can take to benefit wildlife in our state:

Check Out the Plan

Head to the NH Fish and Game Wildlife Action Plan page. This page gives you an opportunity to read the whole Plan, or just parts of it. Key chapters include those on how we identified and chose SGCN (Chapter 2) and evaluated habitats (Chapter 3). You'll find important Information about threats to both species and habitats in Chapter 4, including an explanation of the 11 major threat categories impacting wildlife and habitats in New Hampshire. Chapter 5 has the broad overarching strategies that we all can help implement to benefit our state's wildlife.

Look Up Species Information

You can download and read all the profiles for wildlife species identified as SGCN in Chapter 2 of the Plan, but you might find it easier to cruise over to the Species Occurring in New Hampshire page. There, you can click the name of the species you're interested in learning more about. For some species, this will take you to a fact sheet including status and natural history information; the Wildlife Action Plan Species profiles are found in a link at the bottom. For the rest of the species, the link will take you right to the species profile. Links to these fact sheets and species profiles are also found on the Endangered and Threatened Wildlife of NH page.

Learn About the Habitats

To get familiar with the habitats identified in the Wildlife Action Plan, visit the Habitat Types and Species page. Click on the habitat you're interested in, and a box will appear with three tabs of information: Habitat – a description of the habitat, Species - a list of the species that use that habitats (with links to profiles), and Learn More - links to the Wildlife Action Plan habitat profiles, Habitat Stewardship brochures, and other information.

More Information

For more information about the NH Wildlife Action Plan, visit